{ My journey in self-discovery through Music, Hair...and prepping for my first 5k... }

Monday, June 15, 2015


Today I went faster and further than all other days... BOOM! ;)

Day 10 #socialaccountability. I ran at Longview Elem. for a change of scenery. These winding/holey hobbit roads made for an interesting trip (thankfully not literally!)!  #mileaday x 2 #iwasintheshire #potterrun prep 

ALSO-have you seen the medals for Potter Run yet?! 




What the WHAT?!

Did it. Committed. Paid for...

I just registered for my first 5k- 
The Potter Run 2015!
I have a month and a half to be ready to run-or FLY-4 laps around the awesome Veterens Memorial Park in West Jordan on August 1st. 
I'm super excited-and slightly terrified. Wish me luck!


(PS...I'm totally taking my wand...)

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Honor Thy Rest Day...

...and keep it holy. 

Or at least that's what I've been told.
I've been going for 9 days straight-no breaks. Pushing through the muscle pain and the tweaked foot and knee. Today I decided it was okay to skip the mile (or more) a day and trade it in for a day of some of my cult movie favorites.
The Burbs
Pet Sematary
The Shining

It's been a pretty great day. 

Also? I found another 5k that sounds fun...and doable. Keep ya posted on that!


Saturday, June 13, 2015

No. 9 Dream...

Day 9 #socialaccountability! Not too shabby for an after pic! You know, I've heard about the phenomenon before...but I've only kinda experienced it once before: I actually look better AFTER than before-including all the sweat and pink cheeks and "Nelly Curls".  #mileaday x 2 done and done. 


Friday, June 12, 2015

Day 8...

Tonight is...

...Day 8 #socialaccountability. Today was my "rest day", but I ran a bit-because I felt like I could. Weird. And, because "The List" was actually quite funny yesterday, here are my top thoughts tonight:
1-YES! No soccer games! To the school I go!
2-Where is everyone? I. Am. Alone. 
3-Let's do Day 1 Week 1. See if it's any easier than last Friday. 
4-That creepy cool breeze is NIIIICE. 
5-Oh, hey Bird's! (I am no longer alone-but I love these guys, so it's cool.) 6-There's Del Taco waiting for me at home!!! SWEET!
7-I don't want to die-that's good. 
8-Drones is seriously the best album ever. I freaking LOVE this song!
9-So many bugs!!!! Did I just swallow a bug?!
10-I NEED a bath. 
#thelistrocks #ithinkimhilarious #mileaday x 2.5

...and in case anyone was wondering, it WAS easier tonight: 29 seconds faster, .09 more miles ran, and 7 more cals burnt. AND?! Faster recovery, I'm not beet red tonight, and my legs can still support me!

(Also? Get a load of these sweet socks! All the way from Seoul from B! I freaking love them!)

After the run, I came home to these-

the Del, and that bath I wanted/NEEDED. Is it wrong to sit here and be tremendously proud of myself?! I can't believe the progress I've made in one short week. I can feel my body changing-reacting faster-getting stronger-working harder. I am sleeping crazy well. I've found those enorphens everyone's always talking about. Holy crap...that 5k may happen after all... 

Much Love, 

Days 1-7

I'm going back a bit! Here follows are the pics & thoughts I've had during days 1-7, pulled straight from Instagram! :) Give me a follow!


Day one of my goal of a #mileaday. (Interesting story on how this came to be my current "plan"...) Turns out I was at it for 2.34! I learned a few things along the way: 1-I'm suuuper glad I caved and got a FlipBelt. Freaking loved it! 2-if I run at Liberty there is a 99.9% chance I'll run into students. (And I did.). 3-I need to run with my good headphones. My crappy ones were infinitely more crappy while running. And 4-I'm glad I'm not "doing this on my own". Thank heavens for the loud lady on the app to remind me when to switch intervals. Otherwise I prob would have keeled over.  #letsseeificangetoutofbedtomorrow #imightbearunner #ifreakinglovemyshoes - #nikelunaelements

Day two of my #mileaday (but more) #socialaccountability. Today it rained. HARD. I also laced my shoes to help out my high instep-freaking lifesaver! Also? My #viewsport shirt?! LOVE. #DoIt #DONTQUIT

Day 3 #socialaccountability. Today I learned that running in a t shirt sucks. And also I should take my mascara off first... #mileaday

Day 4 #socialaccountability. Walking with mom, @muse on loud, and mosquitos trying to bite my ass. #mileaday

Are we on day 5? Here's today's #socialaccountability. Tonight I got to dodge 2 kids on bikes, 7 walkers, one stroller and a dog. One of the walkers was pushing the stroller (on the walk path) with one hand, holding the dog leash with the other all while on the phone-tucked in the chin/shoulder pinch... There were also two groups of people-one kids (dang street youth! ;)) and the other adults lounging and watching the whole thing. Lots of fun... But, I wore my TeraShield to keep the mosquitos away, rocked Drones and didn't give in #isntthereanunspokenrulethatifsomethingelseismovingfasterthanyouareyouneedTOGETOUTOFTHEWAY??!?!!!

Day 6 #socialaccountability. Today was almost 3.5 miles. Today I learned...don't dink with app after you start. Why? IT. TURNS. OFF. And then you end up walking for an extra 9 min...(4 laps...1 MILE...) #mileaday x 3

Day 7 #socialaccountability. Today I started off in the neighborhood and ended up at the school for a loop that was just shy of 3 miles. Here are the top 17 thoughts I had while out: 
2-Guess I'll brave the streets. 
3-Was that a rain drop?
5-Did I screw the app up again?
7-Time to start over. 
8-Do I run through that group of guys?
10-Don't know who they were, but I hope they didn't hear me panting. 
11-But I don't want to sprint! Stupid app. 
12-Yay! Soccer game is over!
13-Hey, Levin!
15-I wish I had an Otter Pop
16-So. Much. Sweat...
17-Holy shit, hallelujah. Where's the Tylenol?!


I'm about an hour out from tonight's...

Much Love, 

Get Ready...

My hope for this blog (as opposed to the other 3 I have that I don't keep up...) is to give me a place to talk things through, try new stuff and be socially accountable for all my many adventures that need-and thrive on-all of your love and support.  So... Here will be the pictures and the long commentary on each.  Thanks for coming on my ride of self-discovery with me... It's going to be interesting...

First up on the, "WHAT IS MY NEW LIFE PLAN!?!!??!?" adventure...is
WHAT? Yeah.  I don't run.  I've NEVER been a runner.  EVER.  I have nightmares of the times I tried in Elementary school to be a runner.  Then those many days worth of running and breaking and dying during JH. ...And I STILL can't listen to Michael Jackson because of the torturous running that we had to endure in HS. (Remember that Brie?!) But...for whatever reason, The ONLY thing I could come up with, once I was no longer "Miss Dansie", was to run.  I bribed myself with new shoes, a sweet tank-that would celebrate my sweat rather than shame me, and a FlipBelt to stash my keys, Burts Bees, and most important-my phone. I downloaded an app that would support my lack of running ability-while getting me to where I hope to be.  Then? A week ago today, I started running...and walking...and sweating.

To keep me motivated and actually get me outside-especially when EVERYTHING hurt, I decided to be socially accountable and post daily on Instagram and Facebook-my goal is a mile a day. Now-in addition to that?

I've found a 5k that sounds FREAKING AWESOME.

I like the idea of expanding the daily posts here.  One, it will keep me accountable. Two? It'll give me something to do... ;)

Stay tuned...

Much Love,