{ My journey in self-discovery through Music, Hair...and prepping for my first 5k... }

Friday, June 12, 2015

Days 1-7

I'm going back a bit! Here follows are the pics & thoughts I've had during days 1-7, pulled straight from Instagram! :) Give me a follow!


Day one of my goal of a #mileaday. (Interesting story on how this came to be my current "plan"...) Turns out I was at it for 2.34! I learned a few things along the way: 1-I'm suuuper glad I caved and got a FlipBelt. Freaking loved it! 2-if I run at Liberty there is a 99.9% chance I'll run into students. (And I did.). 3-I need to run with my good headphones. My crappy ones were infinitely more crappy while running. And 4-I'm glad I'm not "doing this on my own". Thank heavens for the loud lady on the app to remind me when to switch intervals. Otherwise I prob would have keeled over.  #letsseeificangetoutofbedtomorrow #imightbearunner #ifreakinglovemyshoes - #nikelunaelements

Day two of my #mileaday (but more) #socialaccountability. Today it rained. HARD. I also laced my shoes to help out my high instep-freaking lifesaver! Also? My #viewsport shirt?! LOVE. #DoIt #DONTQUIT

Day 3 #socialaccountability. Today I learned that running in a t shirt sucks. And also I should take my mascara off first... #mileaday

Day 4 #socialaccountability. Walking with mom, @muse on loud, and mosquitos trying to bite my ass. #mileaday

Are we on day 5? Here's today's #socialaccountability. Tonight I got to dodge 2 kids on bikes, 7 walkers, one stroller and a dog. One of the walkers was pushing the stroller (on the walk path) with one hand, holding the dog leash with the other all while on the phone-tucked in the chin/shoulder pinch... There were also two groups of people-one kids (dang street youth! ;)) and the other adults lounging and watching the whole thing. Lots of fun... But, I wore my TeraShield to keep the mosquitos away, rocked Drones and didn't give in #isntthereanunspokenrulethatifsomethingelseismovingfasterthanyouareyouneedTOGETOUTOFTHEWAY??!?!!!

Day 6 #socialaccountability. Today was almost 3.5 miles. Today I learned...don't dink with app after you start. Why? IT. TURNS. OFF. And then you end up walking for an extra 9 min...(4 laps...1 MILE...) #mileaday x 3

Day 7 #socialaccountability. Today I started off in the neighborhood and ended up at the school for a loop that was just shy of 3 miles. Here are the top 17 thoughts I had while out: 
2-Guess I'll brave the streets. 
3-Was that a rain drop?
5-Did I screw the app up again?
7-Time to start over. 
8-Do I run through that group of guys?
10-Don't know who they were, but I hope they didn't hear me panting. 
11-But I don't want to sprint! Stupid app. 
12-Yay! Soccer game is over!
13-Hey, Levin!
15-I wish I had an Otter Pop
16-So. Much. Sweat...
17-Holy shit, hallelujah. Where's the Tylenol?!


I'm about an hour out from tonight's...

Much Love, 

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